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      What if bread was good for you? 

      Did you know that whole grain wheat, like the kernel you pick straight from a farmer's field, has 40 of the 44 essential nutrients for life? That's 91% of the types of nutrients our bodies need to thrive! It's also high in antioxidants, protein, fiber, phytochemicals, and minerals. In fact, Unsifted® whole grain wheat is truly good-for-you flour!

      So if WHEAT is good for us...why is most bread today so bad for us?

      It turns out that commercial milling (the process of turning wheat into flour) strips the wheat of many key nutrients, making flour (and bread) hard for our bodies to digest.

      BUT there's good news: with the push of a button, you can easily mill your own freshly milled flour and enjoy the delicious taste and nutrition of Unsifted® whole grains. Unsifted® fresh flour is truly 100% whole grain, is milled the same day that it's baked with, and unlocks the nutritional superpowers of the wheat kernel. Plus it tastes amazing! Read on to learn more about this incredible superfood. 

      Benefits of using freshly milled flour

      Nutritional advantages. Ohhh yes! ✅
      Better flavor profile. Yep! ✅

      But first, what is freshly milled flour?  Most simply, fresh flour is a 100% unsifted, whole grain, flour that was milled at the time of use.

      For this, it's really important to understand what makes up a whole grain.  There are three main parts: the bran, the endosperm, and the germ.  Each part has its own nutritional advantages.



      Milling is required to change the whole grain into a flour.  The specific milling process utilized determines whether the flour is a complex carb (Unsifted® fresh flour) or a simple carb (refined flour).  The table below illustrates key factors that make flour able to be considered "fresh." 

      Don't be fooled by labeling on pre-packaged, commercial flours.  Anyone can advertise a product as "fresh flour," but if it doesn't meet the qualifiers below, you may want to think twice.

      Is freshly milled flour different from store-bought flour? 

      In short, yes.  There is a significant nutritional advantage to using fresh flour.  Don't just take our word for it, though.  Look at the compiled comparison from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's data below.

      The only nutrients found higher in refined flour are those that the government mandates be added back due to the population's nutrient deficiencies that developed following the new milling techniques- learn more about this in our HISTORY section

      As you can see above, wheat berries provide essential soluble and insoluble fiber- learn more about why that's so beneficial in the FIBER section.   Fresh flour also has active enzymes that can have far-reaching effects, as well as minerals and all together total 40/44 key essential nutrients needed by the body for survival (learn more in the KEY NUTRIENTS section). 

      These nutrients include Vitamin E, which the Mayo Clinic says the majority of people do not get enough of, but is important for "vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain and skin." 

      The nutrients in fresh flour and their benefits to the human body are extensive and the research is vast, so while we cannot even begin to summarize all of them here, please read on below for some more detailed information, as well as for a brief history of flour that may shock you. People have not always eaten commercial flour, and history would reveal that perhaps we should take note of the changes being made and call into question whether they are the most beneficial to us, as consumers.


      Yes, fresh flour may influence your health.

      Learn why by clicking on each of the section's buttons below for additional information and linked research.

      1) HISTORY- Flour's nutrients have decreased over time

      Overview: As technology has advanced, milling processes have improved shelf life, but the unintended consequence is decreased nutrition in the flour.  Unsifted® fresh flour solves this problem and is the most convenient method of home milling.

      2) NUTRIENTS - Refined flour reduces vitamins, minerals, and fiber by an average of 70-80%

      Overview: Dr. Harvey Wiley tried to make white flour illegal many years ago due to effects on the liver.  There are many valuable nutrients in the bran and germ that support many parts of your body's functions. Unsifted® wants to make the benefits of milling flour sustainable by making the process seamless for your everyday life.

      3) DETERIORATION OCCURS - Nutrients continue to decrease after milling the flour

      Overview: The freshness of flour matters in regard to the number of nutrients that survive to nourish your body. As soon as the whole grain is broken open, the nutrients begin to degrade. Click the button below to read the specifics and learn a little about how baking effects the nutrients.  Unsifted® recipes are streamlined to help make milling your right before you bake easy.

      4) SIFTING IMPACTS - White flour has been sifted, which removes nutrients

      Overview: Sifting removes the bran from the flour and as a result fiber and other nutrients decrease. Unsifted® recipes are never sifted to maximize nutrients.

      5) FIBER IMPORTANCE- Freshly milled flour provides essential soluble and insoluble fibers

      Overview: 95% of America is deficient in fiber. Freshly milled flour is the most delicious way to increase your fiber.  

      6) HEALTH OUTCOMES - Daily fiber intake may decrease all cause mortality by 19% + many more improved outcomes

      Overview: The research on increased whole grains (and fiber!) are truly remarkable and encouraging. After you read this section you'll be planning your meals around your fresh flour.  Plus, this study is even independent of waist circumference, risk factors, physical activity, energy intake, and education. Unsifted® knows whole grains are extremely important for daily use so we made the process seamlessly incorporate fresh flour into your life, no matter how busy you are.

      For more information on the benefits of whole grains, we encourage you to also read research articles posted on the Whole Grains Council webpage:  https://wholegrainscouncil.org/whole-grains-101/health-studies


      Is milling your own flour hard?

      No, milling your own flour is EASY with Unsifted®! 

      Our Unsifted® Starter Kit has everything you need to easily mill and bake with fresh flour. We take all the guesswork out of this healthful (and delicious!) adventure to make  whole grain baking fun and stress-free!

      We designed the Starter Kit to make #modernmilling as easy as possible for our families and people we love to enjoy fresh flour baking, and we are thrilled to share it with you!

      Regardless of your baking experience, the Starter Kit is the best way to dive into milling!

      The Unsifted® Starter Kit comes with:

      WONDERMILL to easily mill fresh flour
      ✅ BASIC BLEND to mill into a high protein bread flour
      DESSERT BLEND to mill into a fluffy pastry flour
      RECIPE CARDS with over 44 variations
      ✅ GETTING STARTED GUIDE for quick tips
      ✅ PRIME PACK for added convenience
      ✅ BREAD BAGS to easily store your baked goods
      ✅ UNSIFTED® COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP for helpful coaching + community

      There are 80+ five-star reviews for the Unsifted® Starter Kit alone and we are so grateful for and encouraged by each one. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

      Here's just one review from Emily:
      "I am still pretty new to fresh milling and I have loved everything I’ve made from Unsifted! Their recipes are so detailed and helpful and also beautiful. Everything we’ve made has been delicious! They are also super responsive anytime I’ve had questions. Our favorites so far are the bagels which were better than any bagel I’ve ever had and the drop biscuits in several different flavors. I bought the whole recipe set and can’t wait to try them all! We have loved enjoying all the bread products knowing how healthy they are for us! Pretty much the best news ever!"

      We fully recognize that every body is different so results aren't guaranteed, but this is a reoccurring theme in the reviews. Check it out yourself HERE

      SHOP the easy-button Unsifted® Starter Kit HERE



      Information published by Unsifted.com is no substitute for medical advice. For questions or concerns, please consult your health care provider for your own specific individual nutritional and medical needs. For more information, please visit our disclaimer page here.