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      Sifting removes fiber and other key nutrients 

      All white flours have been sifted to remove as much bran (i.e. little brown pieces) as possible. The bran holds minerals, fiber, vitamin B6, thiamine, folate, some vitamin E, and some photochemical. Specifically, the bran has antioxidants such as phenolic compounds (Shewry, 2009) (Source)

      The milled bran has sharp edges that can cut through gluten strands, but it also serves a healthful purpose to sweep out impurities from the intestinal tract as it passes, as well as to bulk fecal matter. It may not be a dinner table-type conversation, but it is a necessary function for healthy living. Unfortunately much of America is plagued by some degree of constipation (Read more in the FIBER SECTION).

      The Unsifted® Difference

      We designed the Unsifted® Starter Kit to make #modernmilling as convenient as possible. Each starter kit comes with gorgeous recipe cards professionally printed on premium cardstock, large font, step-by-step instruction, lots of pro tips for baking with fresh flour, and many many variations so you'll never run out of delicious options to curb your guilt-free carb craving.

      All of our recipes are 100% NOT sifted....because if you're going to mill your own fresh flour it's well worth maximizing nutrition.  Our recipes have tips and trick and are designed for 100% whole grain so they are still soft, lofty and absolutely not gritty.  They are all kid-approved. Checkout our FREE freshly milled recipes here.  

      go to fiber section


      Information published by Unsifted.com is no substitute for medical advice. For questions or concerns, please consult your health care provider for your own specific individual nutritional and medical needs. For more information, please visit our disclaimer page here.

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